Latest change: January 2011


2004-2007: Bachelor Cognitive Artificial Intelligence


Block Course Discipline Level Grade Grade US
1 Memory and language Psychology, linguistics 3 7.5 A
1 Logical complexity Math, philosophy 3 7.5 A
2 Logic for AI Math, philosophy 3 6.5 B
2 Psychology of language Psychology 1 8.0 A
3 Foundations of language development Psychology, linguistics 2 6.5 B
3 Foundations of computational intelligence Computer science 2 8.0 A
3 Semantic web Computer science M 8.0 A


Block Course Discipline Level Grade Grade US
1 Foundations of cognitive science Computer science 1 9.0 A+
1 Philosophy of cognitive science Philosophy 2 7.5 A
2 Computational grammars Linguistics 3 7.5 A
3 Datastructures Computer science 1 9.0 A+
3 Language- and speechtechnology Linguistics 2 9.0 A+
4 Expertsystems Computer science 3 8.0 A


Block Course Discipline Level Grade Grade US
1-4 Foundations of artificial intelligence Computer science 1 7.5 A
1 Foundations of logic Math, philosophy 1 7.5 A
1-2 Math for artificial intelligence Math 1 9.0 A+
2 Foundations of adaptive systems Computer science 1 8.5 A
2-3 Logic and functional programming (Prolog Haskell) Computer science 1 7.5 A
3 Search algorithms Computer science 2 9.0 A+
4 Cognitive neuroscience Psychology 3 8.0 A

2nd semester 2004

Block Course Discipline Level Grade Grade US
3 Foundations of linguistics Linguistics 1 7.5 A
3 Philosophy of language Philosophy 1 8.0 A
3 Philosophy of science Philosophy 2 9.5 A+
4 Categorial Grammar Linguistics 1 6.5 B
4 Java Programming Computer science 1 8.5 A